
Oral Pathology & Microbiology is the branch of dentistry that focuses on the study of diseases affecting the oral and maxillofacial regions, including their nature, characteristics, causes, effects, and diagnosis. This field also delves into the study of the immune system, which plays a crucial role in the development and progression of various oral diseases, facilitating appropriate treatment and management. The course is designed to equip students with the necessary knowledge and skills to understand the pathophysiology of oral conditions and their systemic implications. 

Students gain insights into diagnostic techniques, such as biopsy and imaging, and learn to interpret laboratory results. Emphasis is placed on the identification of common and rare oral diseases, along with the development of strategies for prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. 

The curriculum also covers the microbiology of oral infections, the role of microorganisms in periodontal and systemic diseases, and advancements in molecular diagnostics, helping students stay abreast of new technologies in the field. Ultimately, the goal is to foster a comprehensive understanding of oral health, enhancing the ability to provide better patient care.

Eligibility Criteria: The eligibility criteria for admission to the MDS Oral Pathology & Microbiology program are as follows:

Educational Qualification: The candidate should have a Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) degree from a recognized university. The candidate should also have completed a one-year rotating internship program in a recognized dental college.

Minimum Marks: The candidate should have obtained a minimum of 50% marks in their BDS degree. However, for candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, and Other Backward Classes, the minimum percentage is 40%.

Duration of the Course: 3 Years.

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Duration of the Course:

  • The period of certified study and training of the Master of Dental Surgery Post-Graduate Degree Course shall be Three Academic Years
  • No exemption shall be given from this period of study and training for any other experience gained prior to admission to the course

Commencement of the Course:  Academic Year for the Master of Dental Surgery course shall commence from 1st April of the year of admission.

Attendance, Progress, Conduct, Punctuality, Obedience & Leave:

1. Attendance:

  • A candidate pursuing MDS degree should work in the concerned department of the college for the full period as a full time student
  • A candidate is required to put in minimum of 80% of attendance both in theory and practical separately in each subject before admission to the examination. However, candidate should not be absent continuously as the course is a full time one
  • A candidate lacking in the prescribed attendance and progress in any one subject in theory and practical, wherever necessary, in the first appearance shall not be permitted for admission to the entire examination

2. Progress: 

  • Every candidate shall attend symposia, seminars, conferences, journal review meeting, grand rounds, CPC, case presentation, clinics and lectures during each year as prescribed by the department and not absent himself from work without valid reasons

3. Conduct:

  • No candidate is permitted to run a Clinic / work in Clinic / Laboratory / Nursing Home while studying postgraduate course
  • No candidate shall join any other course of study or appear for any other examination conducted by this University or any other University in India or during the period of registration

4. Punctuality: 

  • A Post-graduate  MDS student is expected to follow the discipline of institution and follow punctuality, not only regarding the college time table but also in the  hospital clinics and laboratory.

5. Obedience: 

  • It is universally true that the student should be obedient and receptive for his / her total involvement in the teaching / learning process, the instructions issued by the P.G. Teacher, HOD and the competent authority from time to time must be followed
  • The assignments allotted by the concerned P.G. Teachers and HOD must be completed within stipulated time with full involvement and dedication.  Individual Department discipline must be followed. The acts of insubordination and Indiscipline shall not be tolerated

6. Monitoring progress of study:

  • Work Diary / Log Book:
    • Every MDS candidate shall maintain a work diary / Log Book  and record of his/her participation in the three training program conducted by the department such as Day to day patient record, relevant record pertaining to his/her specialty must be maintained for presentation during final examination.  The record includes – Case records, models, Clinical photographs, X-rays etc. relevantly particular case and specialty, journal reviews, etc
    • Special mention may be made of the presentations by the candidate as well as details of clinical or laboratory procedures, if any conducted by the candidate.  The work diary shall be scrutinized and certified by the Guide once in three months, Head of the Department and the Head of the Principal of Santosh Dental College and presented in  the University practical/ clinical examination
    • The candidate is also required to participle in the teaching and training program for the Under Graduate student
    • In addition, the Head of the Department shall involve their Post-Graduate students in seminars, Journal Group Discussions and Participation in conferences
    • At the end of the course, the candidate should summarize the contents and get the Log Book certified by the Head of the Department
    • Every Post-Graduate candidate should be encouraged to present short HMRC papers in conferences and improve on it and submit them for publication in reputed Dental journals, Motivation by the Heads of Departments shall be essential in this area to sharpen the research skills of the Post-Graduate candidates
  • Periodic tests : 
    • The Internal Assessment tests may be held once in three months during the course of three years study.  These tests shall  consist of – (i) theory (ii) practical / oral and Viva
    • During the course of three years, the concerned departments will conduct       three tests, two of them by annual tests, one at the end of first year and the other in the second year. The third test may be held three months before the final examination
    • The average of all the above tests marks may be taken for the I.A. marks of the candidate
  • Leave :
    • Special leaves can be granted on the recommendation of the P.G. Guides & HOD for attending conference, symposium, Seminars which will not be exceeded 10 days in a year
    • Official deputation for Research work, clinical posting, library work etc. can be given on the recommendation of the P.G. Guide and P.G. Teacher provided that the student produces attendance certificate of the institution he was deputed to
    • No other leave apart from this shall be applicable

Note: The sub-clause (a) and (b) is permissible subject to production of attendance certificate from the authorities were the conference/seminars or Research work etc. was attended by him/her.

Subject Distribution Among 4 Papers in Various Specialities:

  • PART - 1
    • Paper – I: Applied Basic Medical Sciences
  • PART - 2
    • Paper – I: Oral Pathology, Oral Microbiology and Immunology and Forensic Odontology
    • Paper – II: Laboratory Techniques and Diagnosis and Oral Oncology
    • Paper – III: Descriptive and Analysing type Question


Dr. Nidhi Gupta

Professor & HOD

Dr. Rajiv Ahluwalia

Professor & HOD

Dr. Amit Bihari Lall

Professor & HOD

Dr. Sumita Giri

Professor & HOD

Dr. Meena Jain

Professor & HOD

Dr. Rajiv Kumar Gupta

Professor & HOD

Dr. Shivani Sharma

Professor & HOD

Dr. Neeraj Grover

Professor & HOD

Dr. Jayant Gahlot

Professor & HOD

Career Prospective

  • Academic and Research Careers: Graduates can pursue teaching and research positions at dental colleges, universities, and research institutions. They may engage in studies related to oral diseases, microbiology, and histopathology, contributing to advancements in the field. 
  • Consultant Oral Pathologist: As a consultant, MDS graduates can work independently or in collaboration with dental clinics, hospitals, and diagnostic centers, providing expertise in diagnosing oral diseases and conducting biopsy analyses. 
  • Forensic Odontology: Oral pathologists specializing in forensic odontology may work with law enforcement agencies in solving criminal cases, using dental records to identify individuals and determine cause of death. 
  • Hospital or Clinical Pathology: Oral pathologists can work in the pathology departments of hospitals, contributing to the diagnosis of oral and maxillofacial conditions through laboratory-based tests, cytology, and biopsy analysis. 
  • Dental Research & Innovation: Opportunities exist to work with pharmaceutical or dental companies on the development of new diagnostic tools, treatments, and dental care products, particularly in the realms of microbial research and disease prevention. 
  • Public Health and Policy: Oral pathologists can contribute to public health initiatives by researching and controlling the spread of oral diseases, as well as developing policies related to oral health. 
  • Private Practice: Many oral pathologists establish their own private practice or diagnostic center, offering expert consultations, tissue analysis, and advanced diagnostic testing for patients with oral conditions. 
  • Microbiological Consulting: Graduates can consult on microbial aspects of oral health, advising dental practices, hospitals, and clinics on infection control and antimicrobial treatments. 
  • Global Opportunities: With growing awareness of oral health, MDS holders can explore international career opportunities in dental research, education, or as consultants in dental organizations worldwide. 


